

Good lord, what is this? A new post from yours truly? Lies! Deceit! Treachery!!!

Yeah, well, I've been busy, OK? Life has been getting the better of me at all times, sadly. I've finished Uni as of now, been kicked out of halls of residence, haired it around the country for a bit, and finally been stashed back in the ever so wonderful south east of England. Oh. Joy. As you can tell I'm far from happy, especially as I'm stuck down here with very few friends for company due to various other reasons that I don't really want to go in to. I've also been struck down with hayfever. And people wonder why I prefer cities...

One bit of recent events that's cheered me up slightly is I'm now in ownership of a genuine, circa 1991 Sega Megadrive Mark 1. This has pleased me mightily and started me off on a retro gaming binge, mostly of the Sega variety. Everyone needs a hobby right? And anyway, I can now pick up, for minimal financial outlay, some of the most fun games ever in existence, so Thank You Chips Middlesbrough for reintroducing me to that most wonderful of games consoles... and for selling me a Saturn, which I finally own after nearly 12 years... >_>

On the FerretCrossing front, my continuing attempt to restart the website continue, this time with a call for talent. If anyone reading this thinks they have something to contribute, go to the site, join the forums and send us your idea. We'll consider anything at the moment.

Some may have also noticed that the Sonic Rush review has vanished. This is mainly due to the fact that I've submitted it as a blog on ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.com under my internet alter-ego JitteryJoe (please don't ask about this). Go look at it here! It's been refined slightly, so it's worth a second look, and the rest of the site's pretty good too. You're probably wondering why I've done this. A number of reasons really, Reviews are more suited to their site, they have higher viewer figures than a blog ever could, and I'm hoping to get picked up by them as a paid gig. Well, I can hope, can't I? Anyway, all my future reviews will either be on there or at FerretCrossing, but don't worry, loyal DomFans and/or JoeFans I will inform you all here of any escapades out in the wide internets. Ciao!

--Wants to go up in the world, but has forgotten his ladder

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